Anna Jenke (1921–1976)

Teacher, scout, social activist, pending beatification

Anna Paulina Maria Jenke was born on 3 April 1921 in Subcarpathian Błażowa, from where at the age of 7 she moved with her parents to Jarosław. From an early age she developed the gene to help others. She was a scout. During the war she organised aid for those in need not only from the surrounding area, but also to Warsaw insurgents. She was involved in underground and self-educational activities that continued after the war. She was a teacher with a strong sense of vocation. After graduating from Polish studies at the Jagiellonian University, she worked as a teacher in Jarosław schools, except for a short period (1956-1958), when she was removed from teaching. Her appointment to the position of the headmistress of the High School of Fine Arts in Jarosław in 1959 was intended to redress that removal. She died on 15 February 1976 in Jarosław. In 1993 the Metropolitan Curia of Przemyśl initiated her beatification, which was successfully completed and will soon be crowned with her elevation to the altars.

The exhibition was prepared by the Stanisław Wyspiański Complex of Schools of Arts in Jarosław.